Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Dream

Last night I dreamed we moved to a large brown brick Georgian style home on a corner of a posh neighborhood in London. Pedestrian gates marked the entrance to the neighborhood and in the dream I took great pleasure in that fact.

The house had two staircases, one in front and one in back that led to the kitchen. I don't remember the kitchen at all, perhaps I didn't go in it in the dream, but I do remember the entryway. It was huge with warm wood paneling on the walls. We had enough room for the bench I would love to buy, but discussed putting a half circular table against the wall instead. We would also place a dish my husband brought me from Africa that would be the key catch all.

The bedrooms were large and inviting. Ours had many nooks that I didn't have time to explore. The house also had extra bedrooms and in a corner of a hallway was a built in cozy bench, perhaps for reading or even extra sleeping area for company. The upholstery was in need of repair, but even that did not subtract from the magic of the house.

Walking up one of the staircases and looking up, one saw huge simply carved dark wooden beams. I remarked to my husband in the dream that I was completely content now that I had this beautiful home.

On the roof I noticed that a neighbor child had walked up the steps and when I asked her what I could do for her, she replied that she lost her key in this house and would we help her find it. We searched, but could not find it.

A final memory of this dream was walking down the back staircase and finding a small opening in the bottom of the wainscoting that had a sort of door. It was below a window that had been covered up by a pantry or something (perhaps I did go in the kitchen after all) and light came from the opening. I opened the small door and found a yellowed note with a message from a child that once lived in the home. It was addressed to me and my husband and decorated with designs of a fantasy nature.

I awoke twice during this dream, but willed myself to go back to sleep and visit the home again. It was hard making myself get out of bed this morning because I wanted to go back to this place. I was disappointed when I awoke and remembered that we had not moved.


Anonymous said...

An interesting dream, I can understand why you didn't want to leave it. What does it mean to you? The size and complexity of the house makes me think it is a wish for more freedom, and perhaps also you wish to get in touch with your childhood in some way (the little girls who show up, one looking for the key and the other who left a note). I wish I had more dreams like that.

Cedar Waxwing said...

Ha. I thought my dream was telling me I needed to move to London!

Anonymous said...

Maybe "London" and "freedom" are the same thing for you.